are different ways to describe people's appearance. This post focuses
on a masculine look. Let's learn some nouns, adjectives and verbs
related to Facial Hair: Growth and Grooming
Styling facial hair: sideburns (in front of the ears), mustaches (the upper lip), and the beard (cheeks, jawline, and neck).
Sideburns (Sideboards - British English) can be worn in many different ways: mid-ear level, ear lobe level, or all the way down to the jawline or chin level. They can be cut in a narrow strip, or left very wide.
The hair length of sideburns can be cropped very close to the face or allowed to grow to a more bushy length. Sideburns can also be shaped and cut creatively.
A few illustrations of the variation in sideburn possibilities are shown below:
The most widely-known style name for sideburns is the mutton chop. Mutton chops are typically grown wide and long. They can be bushy or trimmed close to the face, but in general tend to be longer and wider than a traditional long sideburn.
is a variation of the mutton chop where the sideburns are grown across
the face to meet with a mustache on both sides, creating a continuous
line of facial hair. The chin is left clean shaven.
Mustache styles
A thick and wide mustache, usually worn long to cover the top border of the upper lip.

A narrow mustache with long points bent or curved steeply upward. Named for artist Salvador Dali.

Beard styles
beard refers to facial hair grown on the jawline, chin, cheeks, or
neck area (and any combination of those areas). Beards can be worn with
or without mustaches or sideburns. Like mustaches, they can be worn in
a variety of styles, with long or closely clipped hair, and
they can be shaped in many different ways around the mouth, nose,
cheeks, and neck. Certain styles require styling products, but most do
not and simply require periodic grooming and maintenance to maintain neatness.
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